Your Kingdom Come
“We have one gear, and that gear is ‘let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’” For Keith and Tricia’s six children, their faith experience could not be more different from that of their parents. Today, this husband and wife team guide…

Holy Week Family Devotional: Day 8
Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash Q: Why do you think it’s important that Jesus rose from the dead? Why does it matter? Why it something we celebrate? Read Luke 24:1–12 Q: Why do you think the women were surprised and confused that Jesus’s body was not there? Q: Why didn’t…
Holy Week Family Devotional: Saturday
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash Q: Have you ever been really sad about something? Maybe someone you love died or something happened to you or to someone you know. How did you handle your sadness? READ: John 19:38–42 Q: Why do you think these two secret followers of Jesus now came forward to…
Holy Week Family Devotional: Good Friday
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash Q: Has anything really unfair ever happened to you? What did that feel like? What did you do about it? What did you want to do about it? READ: Good Friday (John 18:28–40) Q: What did Jesus mean when He said His kingdom was not of this world? Q:…
Holy Week Family Devotional: Wednesday
Photo by eniko kis on Unsplash Q: Have you ever had a friend who turned on you? Maybe they gossiped about you or joined a bully in making fun of you or something like that. How would something like that make you feel? READ: John 13:21–30 Q: How do you think Jesus felt about…
Holy Week Family Devotional: Tuesday
Photo by David Becker on Unsplash Q: Describe what you think God’s voice would sound like. How would hearing God’s voice make people feel? What would you do if you heard the voice of God or an angel coming from heaven? READ: John 12:20–36 Q: Why do you think the disciples and the crowds…
Holy Week Family Devotional: Sunday
Family Devotional: Palm Sunday Day 1 Q: Describe what parades are like. What kinds of things happen? What kind of feeling is there in the crowd? What are some reasons that we throw parades? Q: What do you think of when you hear the title “king”? Describe what a king…