Adult Community Groups
We preach the Bible as central to disciple making
Community and sound biblical teaching are at the heart of a vital relationship with God. We believe that the Holy Spirit works through the word of God, as well as the people of God. Our Community Groups seek to provide these two things to anyone seeking to take the next step in their faith. For a full list of our adult groups across our campuses, check out the information below.
CityRise Missouri City
Uppercomers // Young Adults
Going Strong // Adults
We also have Community Groups that meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Contact us for more information!
Going Strong // Adults
We also have Community Groups that meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Contact us for more information!
CityRise Bellaire
Growing Together // New and expecting parents
Loft, Room 217
This Is Us // Parents and empty nesters
T-Building: Room B
The Gathering // Adults, all ages
Loft, Room 219
Loft, Room 217
This Is Us // Parents and empty nesters
T-Building: Room B
The Gathering // Adults, all ages
Loft, Room 219
Anchored // College-aged and young adults
Loft, Room 218
Young Couples // Almost married - Married for a few years
Loft, Room 221
Parents of Children // Parents of children, birth through 5th grade
Loft, Room 219
All Seasons // Adults in all seasons of life
Loft, Room 217
Loft, Room 218
Young Couples // Almost married - Married for a few years
Loft, Room 221
Parents of Children // Parents of children, birth through 5th grade
Loft, Room 219
All Seasons // Adults in all seasons of life
Loft, Room 217
Young Couples // Almost married - Married for a few years
Different Groups meet on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights.
Different Groups meet on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights.
West U Baptist
Through the Bible // Adults looking for in-depth Bible study
Room 309
College // College-age adults
Are you a Rice University student?
There is free bus pickup on Sundays at 9:30A in front of the Allen Center and a light breakfast at 9:45A.
Buses return by 12:30P, however, lunch is served for those who do not return to campus via bus.
Young Adults // Early 20s
Room 304
Adult Singles // Adults 30+
Room 211
Merge // Adult singles and newlyweds
Room 210
Calibrate // Young families and mentors
Room 212
Family Matters // Married with children
Room 302
Parents of Youth // Parents with teenagers
Room 310
Rooted // Almost empty nesters & empty nesters
Room 308
Happy Days // Adults 50+
Room 208
iLife // Age 65+
Room 307
Senior Adults // Age 65+
Fowler Chapel
Room 309
College // College-age adults
Are you a Rice University student?
There is free bus pickup on Sundays at 9:30A in front of the Allen Center and a light breakfast at 9:45A.
Buses return by 12:30P, however, lunch is served for those who do not return to campus via bus.
Young Adults // Early 20s
Room 304
Adult Singles // Adults 30+
Room 211
Merge // Adult singles and newlyweds
Room 210
Calibrate // Young families and mentors
Room 212
Family Matters // Married with children
Room 302
Parents of Youth // Parents with teenagers
Room 310
Rooted // Almost empty nesters & empty nesters
Room 308
Happy Days // Adults 50+
Room 208
iLife // Age 65+
Room 307
Senior Adults // Age 65+
Fowler Chapel