
Welcome to Flourishing Worship.

I’m excited to share these daily devotionals and weekly sessions with you as we look at how we move from brokenness to flourishing.

In my own life, I have been seeking out my next step as a husband, father, and pastor. I feel the weight of leading well, and I don’t want to become stagnant for the roles and responsibilities I have.

When I train with Brent Gallagher at Avenu Fitness, or when I get on my Peloton treadmill, the trainers speaking into my life are challenging me to take another step, do another rep, and seek progress, not perfection. To flourish, we must do the right, simple, fundamental things intentionally.

As a follower of Jesus, we are invited to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. We are invited to do the most fundamental thing we have been created to do – lift our hearts to God in praise.

These weekly sessions have been written and recorded by staff members and some of our lay leaders. I pray that these fresh thoughts and testimonies will assist you in your journey to flourish in the abundant life of Jesus.

Scroll below for the latest session and our digital curriculum guide that you can do on your own, with your family, with a friend, or with your Community Group.

May you flourish today!
Pastor Roger

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Daily Devotionals

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Worship is important because, at the deepest level, it connects us to God and each other.

The act of worship means to place value in something being honored. So for Christians, the worship experience is about lifting up the Lord, declaring His value, and placing our lives under His Lordship and leadership. This study explores the broader meaning of worship: what it is, how and why we worship, how to prepare for worship, and God’s role in the worship experience.