What’s Next?
Before we begin, I want you to know that on Saturday, September 19, we are hosting a Hurricane Laura Supply Drive on our Crosspoint Church-Bellaire campus from 9am-12pm. This is an effort in partnership with Southwest Houston United Responds (SHUR) and Houston Responds. Please visit relief.cityrise.org for a list of approved donation items and even…

Dynamic Faith
I’m thankful for you and all our teams who have planned and participated with excellence during this season of new things. I am additionally thankful that we’ve been able to adapt Sundays and some of our events to new formats. VBS has been a mainstay for decades in our kids,…
Science, Faith, and a LOT of VBS
Let me tell you: August is going to be the busiest month we’ve had in a while, and one of the most exciting! I hope you’re ready for it! First, we have a regular Virtual VBS-palooza happening for just about every age group: VBS for preschool and elementary kids anytime, VBX for middle…
Being Doers of the Word
On Wednesday this week, we looked ahead at August and three things. First, we are continuing our on-campus schedule for Sunday mornings throughout this next month, which means it will be the 8:30am traditional and 11:00am contemporary services at West U Baptist, and the 11:00am English and 1:30pm Spanish services at Crosspoint…
Cutting Through the Noise
There is a concept that has been on my mind and heart throughout this season – even more so in recent days. That is, how much noise there is in my life and as an extension of that, a need for careful consideration about which voices I give preference to.…
The Purpose of Trials
On Wednesday, I brought to your attention in the Weekly Update that we have an exciting opportunity coming up in a few weeks, something that I declared to be one of the most significant things our church has ever put our hands to. We have been in talks with Dr. James Tour,…
No Filter
If you watched Wednesday’s Weekly Update then you’ll remember that our on-campus Sunday worship schedule will be different at Crosspoint Church-Bellaire for the month of July: we will have only one morning service at 11:00am along with our Spanish service at 1:30pm in the afternoon. On-campus services at West U Baptist (8:30am Traditional, 11:00am…
Tomorrow is our country’s 244th birthday. I am proud to be called an American citizen, to be living in a country in which people are free. While our country provides us many liberties, none compare to the freedom we experience through a relationship with our Lord. On that topic, for today’s…
Look Up in the Chaos
We’re past the midway point of June, which means the year is close to half over! 2020 will certainly be a milestone year for the record books. Isn’t it incredible to think that, after the historic events we’ve faced and continue to deal with as of today, we’ve only gone…
This Sunday: A Very Special Sermon
This coming Sunday, June 7, I will be delivering a special message related to the injustice, unrest, and brokenness that our nation is facing. I won’t be coming to you as a conservative or liberal, a republican or democrat. But I will be coming to you as your pastor, broken…
Family Reunion Sunday
WE’RE BACK! It’s Family Reunion time! Well . . . almost. After just two more sleeps, on Sunday you’ll have the opportunity to worship alongside others live and in person at West U Baptist or Crosspoint Church-Bellaire again! Here’s when: ________________________________________ English8:30am* // 11:00am // 6:00pmat West U Baptist & Crosspoint Church-Bellaire…
What’s Your Part In Our Family Reunion?
In nine days (two Sundays from now) we will have worship in our buildings again as we begin our Family Reunion season of services! Ever since the first of the month, we’ve forecasted our target reopening date of May 31, and that day is almost upon us. I can’t believe…
Walk by Faith
Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash As challenging as these past weeks have been, I’m thankful that the weather at least has been nice in Houston! (That is, before today’s storms.) I hope you’ve been able to spend a good amount of time outside—your health and safety permitting, of course. I tell you,…
Reunion Planning
Photo by Anastasia Petrova on Unsplash Hey church family! We continue to journey through this wilderness together, hand in hand facing whatever challenges come our way. We continue to trust God as we traverse this new path, and we are eager to share with you how He is leading us to plan what…
New Things
Photo by Steven Kamenar on Unsplash Question: How far can you walk into the woods? No, this isn’t a challenge I’m laying down to you. It’s a riddle! You may have heard it before. The answer is tricky because of how simple and logical it is. So, how far can you walk into…