Session #4
Tim Yeager and Kirby Follis introduce this video welcoming you to the final week of 30 Days to Easter. We think about Jesus’ last week on earth as we approach our Easter celebration on Resurrection Sunday. Before he rose again, he entered the city on Palm Sunday, he celebrated Passover and instituted the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, and died a brutal death on the cross on Good Friday.
Love prompted Jesus to walk the path to cross betrayed, denied, lonely, beaten, abandoned, and bleeding to die for us. He loved us boldly and called us to do the same for others. Tim and Kirby invite us to join another study when this is over and to continue growing with others in community.
In John 20, the disciples, who had been living every day of the last three years with Jesus, have suddenly found themselves purposeless. Their long-awaited Messiah had been killed when he was betrayed by one of their own. They must have wondered what the purpose was for the last three years of their lives. They were scared, lonely, and on lockdown.
But then, Jesus entered the room though the doors were locked, and with that, their purpose was restored. Jesus had brought the resurrection into their lives. Then in Matthew 28 we learn that the disciples were given a mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God to all the nations and make disciples.
Did you know that mission still stands for all of us who are Jesus’ disciples? If you have given your life to Christ, you bear the greatest purpose there is: to bring the message of salvation and the kingdom lifestyle to others. We’re not stuck, we’re sent. Jesus is in the room among us and promises to be with us as we go and tell his kingdom message.
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Join us for the 30 Days Easter Devotional Challenge. How amazing would it be if our whole CityRise family could log on every day and get the same message? We are so excited to share with you this Easter season from God’s Word. We absolutely cannot wait to see him answer the prayers we pray with our collective voices from the prompts in the devotionals. God loves to let himself be found by those who will seek him. We hope and pray that you will seek him over these 30 Days to Easter with us!