Being Doers of the Word
On Wednesday this week, we looked ahead at August and three things.
First, we are continuing our on-campus schedule for Sunday mornings throughout this next month, which means it will be the 8:30am traditional and 11:00am contemporary services at West U Baptist, and the 11:00am English and 1:30pm Spanish services at Crosspoint Church-Bellaire. We’ve maintained the highest levels of health protocol to allow our Church Family places to worship safely alongside each other, and we believe that we are getting closer and closer to that time when we can all be together again.
Second, as much as we have worked to ensure great on-campus experiences, we have been able to fluidly adapt many of our experiences into the virtual space. We’re using this current trial as a blessing to mature not only our faith (James 1:2–4) but our digital skills to bring Sunday morning worship and other events to you at your home. For example, next month, VBS will rule the digital space! Middle school students will have Virtual VBX: Summer Games to compete in (August 10–14), and Senior Adults will be able to receive “VBS in a Box” for this year’s Senior Adult VBS entitled “The Battleground of our Minds” (August 17–20). Moreover, our classic VBS for preschool and elementary kids has already gone online, and you can participate anytime! Click over to our KidStuff Virtual VBS page for interactive video access and the chance to sign up for a special at-home kit.
Third, another event we are adjusting to be fully online is August Apologetics, our annual month-long series dedicated to defending the Christian faith by showcasing some of the world’s leading apologists, theologians, and scholars. This year, we are incredibly excited that August Apologetics is going to help launch a top-tier entry into the podcast realm: The Science & Faith Podcast with Dr. James Tour. Dr. Tour is a follower of Christ and world renowned in his scientific fields, fields that I literally need to read off a notecard every time to say them correctly! This podcast is exciting because Dr. Tour will be interviewing other leading, believing scientists such as Drs. Joshua Swamidass, Stephen Meyer, Henry Schaefer, and John Lennox. I’ve said it before, and I fully stand by it—being a part of this podcast is one of the most significant things we will ever do at West U Baptist and Crosspoint Church. More details to come, but in the meantime set your calendars for Monday nights August 10, 17, 24, and 31 and subscribe to Dr. Tour’s YouTube channel and our CityRise YouTube channel.
One of my favorite things about Dr. Tour is that he doesn’t merely theorize about science in journals and papers, he works in it every day. He’s a listener and a doer. This reminds me of part of this past Sunday’s lesson from James. As believers in Christ, James instructs us to receive the Word and to do what it says.
Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. (James 1:23–25)
For us to grow, to see trials as blessings for maturity, we are called to do more than simply read God’s Word or listen to a sermon then walk away as if it didn’t mean anything. God has something for us to learn and do every day. I pray that we all apply the Word daily so that we can hear the words of Jesus and put them into practice like the wise man who built his house upon a rock rather than the fool who built his upon sand, so that when the rains come our house will stand because it’s foundation is on the solid words of Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24–27).
Have a great weekend, Church Family!
Stay Expectant,
Pastor Roger

Roger Patterson is the Senior Pastor of the CityRise Network, leading multiple congregations in lifting our city and the world by generously giving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Roger lives in Houston with his wife Julee, and three children.