I’m Asking for a Favor (Please Read)
Dear Church Family,
As promised, we are beginning our communication process for coming back to church starting on May 31, 2020. We’re calling this our Family Reunion! When you go to our dedicated web pages and see all that is involved, you will see that there has been a tremendous amount of prayer and effort made to make our return to on-campus worship as safe as possible. I want to thank our COVID-19 Task Force, our medical and legal oversight, our staff, and our executive council for their efforts in preparing to reopen our campuses.
Before you visit those pages, I want to ask you to do something for me. It’s a favor to me. I realize that as we lead out in this endeavor, every phase of reopening will be too fast for some, too slow for others, and just right for the rest. That means two thirds of the people that read this will be frustrated in one form or fashion. Furthermore, this entire endeavor has become very politicized, making it a source of great fear or frustration. I want you to know that we understand that.
The favor that I ask of you is that very word: favor. Favor is a grace that God puts in your heart towards others. It’s a great difference maker, and the truth of the matter is that we all need a little favor right now. I’m asking you for favor, that you would look at all that we put before you with a grace that will help overcome frustration. Our very faith calls us to consider others better than ourselves, to humble ourselves to serve one another, and to seek to build up our body toward oneness together. These plans are our best laid plans. They have been developed with great diligence, and I’m so thankful for every question that has been asked and every solution sought in our efforts to reopen. So, please know that we are humbly coming to you asking for your grace—your favor—as there are many factors that have gone into our decision-making process.
Here are a few highlights of our plan. We are
- changing the schedule to allow for cleaning between services;
- requiring masks to attend, believing that wearing masks isn’t necessarily for my own sake but for the sake of my neighbor;
- ushering people to their seats so that we can maintain social distancing;
- providing greeters to open all doors, hand sanitizer for all in attendance, and taking the offering at the door as people exit.
Are you able to volunteer? If so, please email the West U Baptist campus at volunteer@wubc.org or the Crosspoint Church-Bellaire campus at volunteer@cpointchurch.org to indicate you are available to serve!
All of this will be an inconvenience, but these measures are also for the greater good of our church body. So, as you prepare to click on the links below to see more about our schedule and our attempts to gather safely, will you join me in setting aside some of your personal rights and preferences for the greater good of the church family? This attitude will be the greatest difference maker in ensuring an incredible worship experience when you return.
You may view our Family Reunion plans below.
West U Baptist Family Reunion Page
Crosspoint Church-Bellaire Family Reunion Page

Roger Patterson is the Senior Pastor of the CityRise Network, leading multiple congregations in lifting our city and the world by generously giving the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Roger lives in Houston with his wife Julee, and three children.